@article{leal_benchmarking_2020, title = {Benchmarking the Cost-Effectiveness of Interventions Delaying Diabetes: A Simulation Study Based on {NAVIGATOR} Data}, volume = {43}, rights = {© 2020 by the American Diabetes Association. https://www.diabetesjournals.org/content/{licenseReaders} may use this article as long as the work is properly cited, the use is educational and not for profit, and the work is not altered. More information is available at https://www.diabetesjournals.org/content/license.}, issn = {0149-5992, 1935-5548}, url = {https://care.diabetesjournals.org/content/43/10/2485}, doi = {10.2337/dc20-0717}, shorttitle = {Benchmarking the Cost-Effectiveness of Interventions Delaying Diabetes}, abstract = {{OBJECTIVE} To estimate using the {UK} Prospective Diabetes Study Outcomes Model Version 2 ({UKPDS}-{OM}2) the impact of delaying type 2 diabetes onset on costs and quality-adjusted life expectancy using trial participants who developed diabetes in the {NAVIGATOR} (Nateglinide And Valsartan in Impaired Glucose Tolerance Outcomes Research) study. {RESEARCH} {DESIGN} {AND} {METHODS} We simulated the impact of delaying diabetes onset by 1–9 years, utilizing data from the 3,058 of 9,306 {NAVIGATOR} trial participants who developed type 2 diabetes. Costs and utility weights associated with diabetes and diabetes-related complications were obtained for the U.S. and U.K. settings, with costs expressed in 2017 values. We estimated discounted lifetime costs and quality-adjusted life years ({QALYs}) with 95\% {CIs}. {RESULTS} Gains in {QALYs} increased from 0.02 (U.S. setting, 95\% {CI} 0.01, 0.03) to 0.15 (U.S. setting, 95\% {CI} 0.10, 0.21) as the imposed time to diabetes onset was increased from 1 to 9 years, respectively. Savings in complication costs increased from \$1,388 (95\% {CI} \$1,092, \$1,669) for a 1-year delay to \$8,437 (95\% {CI} \$6,611, \$10,197) for a delay of 9 years. Interventions costing up to \$567–\$2,680 and £201–£947 per year would be cost-effective at \$100,000 per {QALY} and £20,000 per {QALY} thresholds in the U.S. and U.K., respectively, as the modeled delay in diabetes onset was increased from 1 to 9 years. {CONCLUSIONS} Simulating a hypothetical diabetes-delaying intervention provides guidance concerning the maximum cost and minimum delay in diabetes onset needed to be cost-effective. These results can inform the ongoing debate about diabetes prevention strategies and the design of future intervention studies.}, pages = {2485--2492}, number = {10}, journaltitle = {Diabetes Care}, author = {Leal, Jose and Reed, Shelby D. and Patel, Rishi and Rivero-Arias, Oliver and Li, Yanhong and Schulman, Kevin A. and Califf, Robert M. and Holman, Rury R. and Gray, Alastair M.}, urldate = {2020-10-26}, date = {2020-10-01}, langid = {english}, pmid = {32796009}, note = {Publisher: American Diabetes Association Section: Epidemiology/Health Services Research}, keywords = {{WP}8}, }